As I sat in my favorite coffee shop, surrounded by Christmas décor and listening to the classical Christmas music playing, I began reminiscing about this past year and the amazing wedding moments this year has brought. Eleven years have passed since this dream began, of helping brides have the most amazing wedding day. Years of listening to brides vent and cry in fitting rooms about how stressful the planning is, how overwhelming sometimes loved ones can be when they are trying to be helpful. How quickly those years have gone by, how far our little dream has grown.
This year we said goodbye to a venue we had fallen in love with and truly enjoyed working with. The memories created there will forever bring joy to our hearts. Retirement is also something to celebrate, so the goodbye was a happy one. But with that, six new doors opened, some truly new, and some that had been on our bucket list from day one. Three doors brought airs of vintage Tampa, chandeliers and cocktails, and the essence of a modern twist in historical venues. The other three brought new and exciting sights, gorgeous backdrops, and vibrant wedding moments. And all doors are eager to stay open to us.
Our couples this year were a dream to work with (we are very lucky, every year they’ve been amazing!) It is really gratifying when clients become friends and you hear how everything was made so much smoother because we were there. To go from, “I want to hire these wedding planners” to “Ceci and Maria made everything possible” will always warm our hearts.
The biggest joy this year has brought is the realization that through every obstacle, from not knowing a thing about how to start a business, to making that decision that we are going to do this wholeheartedly committed, to seeing how far we’ve gone, from surviving personal matters, to hurricanes and a pandemic, to learning who has our best interest at heart and more, we have created a richness of memories. We have been part of some of the most special moments in people’s lives. And in return, we have created a network of individuals who are now friends. A business dedicated to creating fairytale moments. A friendship going strong 11 years.
With 2023 coming to an end, we look ahead to a future filled with endless possibilities. Thank you to everyone who has come along on our journey and stay tuned. The best as they say, is yet to come!