Pinterest is an amazing little app that allows anyone to create inspirational boards for any aspect of their lives. From home decor to finding amazing recipes, since its inception it has allowed users to create virtual boards that allows creativity and inspiration to flow. For wedding couples this can be an amazing way to collect photos that inspire what they want for their wedding day. However, if you are anything like one of our past brides, Steph, pinterest can quickly become a nightmare!
Steph and Rick's wedding was taking place in December, a few days after Christmas. To start the planning process, she began a Pinterest board, placing pictures of wedding dresses she liked, decor that she liked, and even cake and food pictures. By the time she met us however, her pinterest board looked like a hodgepodge of pictures put together with no common theme among them! Why? She made three common mistakes when using Pinterest for weddings.
Mistake Number 1: She granted access to her immediate family and bridal party to her board. It stopped being things she liked and became things EVERYONE liked for her. Many of the wedding dress pictures weren’t even close to what she liked, you couldn’t tell what her wedding colors were going to be, it made no sense. Our suggestion: The board should only be for you, not for everyone else. Let everyone else be surprised on the day of the wedding!
Mistake Number 2: She didn’t put limits on the number of pictures nor categories. Our suggestion: Treat your board as a filing system and designate categories! For example: Dress, Cake, Bouquet, Aesthetic, Colors could be your categories, and then only limit to 7 pictures per category. That way you won’t have 478,279,527 pictures on your board and you won’t feel overwhelmed.
Mistake Number 3: She didn’t make her board private, so there were no surprises for her friends who were on Pinterest and who were also guests at the wedding. Her dream dress was pinned, so some of her guests already had an inkling as to what she would be wearing on her wedding day. Our suggestion: make it a secret board. That way you avoid friends knowing what your plans are and you also avoid the potential copycat bride! What’s a copycat bride? Don’t worry, that will be the topic of our next conversation!
So download the Pinterest app, create your secret wedding board, and start pinning away!
